+371 26 177 339
+371 67 969 832
on working days 8:00 to 16:00
Abdomen skin tightening Abdominoplasty Acute reconstructive surgery Aivars Tihonovs Amputation Amputation of breast Anda Gaile Arthritis Beauty injections Birthmarks Blepharoplasty Body operations Bone ache Bone correction Bone fractures Bone irritations Bone nerve blood-vessel damages in the arm Bone outgrowths Bone transplantation Botuline toxin injections Brachioplasty Breast increase Breast lifting Breast oncology Breast operations Breast reconstruction Burn treatment Cancerous skin formations Carpal channel`s syndrome Change of breast shape Collagen injections Correction of birthmarks scars Correction of corpulence Correction of pudendal lips Correction of shape Cosmetic operations Cosmetic surgery Cubital tunnel syndrome Cut nerves Deforming scars Diana Bringina Dupitren`s disease Endoscopic eyebrow lifting Ergotherapy Ervins Lavrinovics Eyebrow bow lifting Eyelid correction Face cosmetic surgery Face plastic operations Face skin tightening
Facelift correction Facial contours correction Fat injections Finger transplantation Formations on palms Formations on the arm Ganglion Gundars Krauklis Hair transplantation Hand surgery Hand tingling Haralds Adovics Hyaluronic acid Hygromous Inborn hand deformations Innocent skin formations Janis Krustins Janis Zarins Kalvis Pastars Knots on the arm Labioplasty Liposculpture Liposuction Liquidation of tattoos Maris Krumins Martins Kapickis Microsurgery Nerve damages Nerve squeeze syndromes Nerve transplantation Nonna Tomiseva Nose plastic operations Nose reconstruction Open wounds Osteoarthritis Osteoathrosis Osteomyelitis Otoplasty Pain in nerves Palm bone fractures Palm finger correction Palm joint arthroscopy Palm surgery Peteris Laucis Plastic operations Plastic surgery Pronator syndrome Reconstructive surgery Reduction of breast Replantation Resistance bands Restylan Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatologist Rhinoplasty Rotary muscle syndrome Sagged corners of the eyes Scar treatment Scarred tissue defects Silicone implants Skin formations Skin overgrowths Skin transplantation Stenosing ligamentite Tense fingers Tightening of forehead skin Tightening of neck skin Tightening of upper arm skin Tissue defect reconstruction after burns Tissue defect reconstruction after injury Tissue defect reconstruction after oncologic operations Transplantation of muscle rags Transplantation of tissue defects Tummy reduction Tummy tuck Uldis Krustins Unhealed ulcers
Microsurgery centre is one of the leading and biggest plastic surgery centres in the Baltic States. We provide help in aesthetic, reconstructive and palm surgery. We ensure high quality services based on medical science proofs, which allows no ensure the best treatment results and guarantee maximal safety to patients. Qualified specialists and high safety standards have made the Microsurgery centre well-known and respectable medical establishment not only in Latvia, but also in Europe and throughout the world.
Last changes in company data: 07.06.2024.
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